Photo ID cards
Beginning January 5th, students, staff and faculty will visit the Wiscard office’s new location in Rm.4316 Memorial Union for UW-Madison photo ID cards, passport photos and other services. The old Union South office's last open day is December 22nd. Upon completion in summer 2011, the Wiscard office will return to the new Union South.
Library cards
UW-Madison students, staff & faculty use Wiscard as a library card. For MadCat, WorldCat or Library Express book & article delivery requests, use your Wiscard ID number (the 10 digits under your name plus the 11th "issue code" digit. Use your NetID instead for off-campus access to e-books & online journal subscriptions.
Wisconsin residents can get a FREE borrowing card to check out materials at Steenbock Library (agricultural & life sciences) and Ebling Library (health sciences), or Wisconsin's Water Library.
The following are additionally eligible for a FREE courtesy card to borrow materials from ANY UW-Madison library:
- Spouses, domestic partners, & children of UW-Madison faculty, staff & students
- Employees of the Wisconsin Historical Society, UW Credit Union, Wisconsin Union, State of Wisconsin, Dane County, & City of Madison
- Wisconsin social work coordinators and public PK-12 educators
- Faculty of Wisconsin private colleges, MATC, Edgewood College, Beloit College, CIC & OCLC institutions
- Students & staff of MATC, Edgewood College, and Beloit College
- Donors (Friends of the Libraries)
For $30 per year, the following are eligible for an annual fee card to borrow materials from ANY UW-Madison library:
- Wisconsin residents
- Corporations registered with the Wisconsin Dept. of Financial Institutions
All other individuals and businesses may use their public library's interlibrary loan services, or one of our fee-based information services on campus.
Anyone can use UW-Madison library resources on site for FREE.