Site Maintenance
- Saturday, February 7, 2009
- Beginning 8:00am Central Time, lasting up to 12 hours
Journals & books that may be affected include:
- Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology
- Biochemistry and molecular biology education
- BioEssays
- Biofuels, bioproducts & biorefining
- Biotechnology and bioengineering
- Chembiochem
- Cochrane database of systematic reviews
- Cochrane Library
- E-EROS Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis
- Environmetrics
- International journal of climatology
- Journal of experimental zoology
- Journal of plant nutrition and soil science
- Journal of research in science teaching
- Journal of the science of food and agriculture
- Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology
- New directions for adult and continuing education
- New directions for institutional research
- New directions for teaching and learning
- Pest management science
- Pesticide science
- Phytotherapy research
- Proteomics
- Statistical analysis and data mining