Monday, May 24, 2010

FFA beyond high school

Did you know that FFA (Future Farmers of America) doesn't have to end after high school? The National FFA Organization offers many programs and scholarships as well as activities at national convention and connections to future employers for internships and full-time positions. You might also be interested in volunteering or mentoring for your local chapter. Until June 30, alumni over the age of 18 who sign up for the "FFA Beyond High School" e-newsletter will be entered into a drawing for an iPad. The e-newsletter will provide information about scholarships, internships, Collegiate FFA and alumni opportunities.  Go to to sign up for the e-newsletter.  [Source: National FFA Organization]

You may also be interested in:

* FFA new horizons (1952-2009)

* Handbook on agricultural education in public schools (2008)

* Focus, news, agricultural education (Wisconsin Assn. of FFA, 1988-1999)

* 100 years of agricultural education: FFA in Wisconsin (1994)

* Wisconsin FFA alumni handbook (1985)

* Future Farmers of America and career education (1978)

* The FFA and you; your guide to learning (1962)

* Official manual for Future Farmers of America (1951)

* Future Farmers of America in action (1945)

* Fun and work for future farmers, FFA: a collection of games, programs, and community activities with practical ideas and suggestions for social and recreational programs for rural boys’ organizations (1934)

* The Dunn County future farmer (1930)