The UW-Madison Libraries are a sponsoring partner of the Plant Management Network portal, which includes Plant Disease Management Reports and Arthropod Management Tests.
Plant Disease Management Reports - formerly "Fungicide & Nematicide Tests" and "Biological & Cultural Tests for Control of Plant Disease"
- Cereals and Forage Crops
- Citrus, Tropical, Vegetables, and Miscellaneous Crops
- Field Crops
- Nematicides (all crops)
- Ornamentals and Trees
- Pome Fruits
- Seed Treatments (all crops)
- Small Fruits
- Stone Fruits and Nuts
- Turfgrass
- Host Index - plants/animals/structures on which arthropod management tested
- Arthropod Common Name Index
- Arthropod Scientific Name Index
- Materials Evaluated (Brand Name) Index
- Chemicals Evaluated Name Index
- Sections Index
- Author Index