Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2009 Plant & insect science journal impact factors released

Thomson Reuters has just published the 2009 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), available by online subscription to UW-Madison library users. These metrics, including the "impact factor," can be used to compare journal performance. JCR compares 9,100+ peer-reviewed journals from 2,200 publishers in 78 countries.

New features:
  • 1,055+ journals with their first published impact factor
  • Updated 5-year impact factors and Eigenfactor metrics
  • "Rank in category" for each journal's subject area, along with a box plot of impact factor distribution for all journals in that category
  • Journal "self-citations" and analysis of their effect on impact factor
Top Agronomy journals by impact factor:
  1. Advances in Agronomy
  2. Theoretical and Applied Genetics
  3. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
  4. Plant and Soil
  5. European Journal of Agronomy
  6. Plant Pathology
  7. Field Crops Research
  8. Postharvest Biology and Technology
  9. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science
  10. Molecular Breeding
Top Entomology journals by impact factor:
  1. Annual Review of Entomology
  2. Advances in Insect Physiology
  3. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  4. Insect Conservation and Diversity
  5. Insect Molecular Biology
  6. Systematic Entomology
  7. Journal of Insect Physiology
  8. Pest Management Science
  9. Medical and Veterinary Entomology
  10. Journal of Medical Entomology
Top Horticulture journals by impact factor:
  1. Theoretical and Applied Genetics
  2. Postharvest Biology and Technology
  3. Molecular Breeding
  4. Tree Genetics and Genomes
  5. European Journal of Plant Pathology (print only 1994-96, 2004-05)
  6. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
  7. Euphytica
  8. Scientia Horticulturae
  9. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture (print only)
  10. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
Top Plant Sciences journals by impact factor:
  1. Annual Review of Plant Biology
  2. Annual Review of Phytopathology
  3. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 
  4. Trends in Plant Science 
  5. Plant Cell
  6. Plant Journal
  7. Plant Physiology
  8. New Phytologist
  9. Plant, Cell & Environment
  10. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 
Top Soil Science journals by impact factor:
  1. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 
  2. Soil & Tillage Research 
  3. Journal of Soils and Sediments (no subscription)
  4. Plant and Soil 
  5. Geoderma
  6. Pedobiologia 
  7. Soil Science Society of America Journal
  8. European Journal of Soil Science 
  9. Applied Soil Ecology
  10. Soil Use and Management 
Top Multidisciplinary Agriculture journals by impact factor:
  1. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
  2. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  3. Agricultural Systems
  4. Annals of Applied Biology
  5. Journal of Agricultural Science
  6. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
  7. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
  8. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research (ends 2008)
  9. Agriculture and Human Values
  10. Precision Agriculture