New Content (full text coverage)
- Agriculture Business Week (Jan 7, 2008 - current)
- Agriculture Week (Jan 7, 2008 - current)
- Bio-IT World (Sep 2008 - current)
- Business of Global Warming (Jan 7, 2008 - current)
- Chemicals & Chemistry Business (Jan 7, 2008 - current)
- Ecology, Environment & Conservation (Jan 7, 2008 - current)
- Ecology, Environment & Conservation Business (Jan 7, 2008 - current)
- Energy Business Journal (Jan 7, 2008 - current)
- Energy & Ecology (Jan 7, 2008 - current)
- Energy & Ecology Business (Jan 7, 2008 - current)
- Energy Weekly News (Jan 7, 2008 - current)
- Food & Farm Week (Jan 7, 2008 - current)
Permission Changes
- Biophysical Journal - Ended full text coverage Dec 15, 2008. Abstract and citation coverage continues.
- Europe Environment - Removed backfile of full text coverage. Abstract and citation for backfile coverage remains.