Online journal usage statistics for selected titles related to the plant and insect sciences at the UW-Madison:
Title - # Articles Accessed 2008
Cell - 26,926
Journal of Molecular Biology - 13,134
Current Biology - 9,482
Molecular Cell - 8,752
FEBS Letters - 7,193
Molecular Microbiology - 4,770
Virology - 4,344
Gene - 4,200
Forest Ecology and Management - 3,939
Current Opinion in Cell Biology - 3,629
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - 3,306
Chemistry & Biology - 3,247
Trends in Ecology and Evolution - 3,199
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology - 3,071
Trends in Cell Biology - 3,069
Atmospheric Environment - 2,971
Current Opinion in Structural Biology - 2,967
Biological Conservation - 2,849
Current Opinion in Plant Biology - 2,810
Current Opinion in Biotechnology - 2,791
Trends in Genetics - 2,625
Trends in Plant Science - 2,561
Soil Biology and Biochemistry - 2,451
Current Opinion in Microbiology - 2,435
Remote Sensing of Environment - 2,387
Ecological Modelling - 2,367
Journal of Power Sources - 2,290
Journal of Biotechnology - 2,260
Trends in Microbiology - 2,253
FEBS Journal - 2,139
Conservation Biology - 2,137
Chemosphere - 1,948
Biotechnology and Bioengineering - 1,888
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment - 1,799
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - 1,643
Cellular and molecular life sciences (CMLS) - 1,523
New Phytologist - 1,488
Proteomics - 1,480
Global Change Biology - 1,454
Oecologia - 1,452
Ecology Letters - 1,336
Science of the Total Environment - 1,334
Molecular Ecology - 1,317
FEMS Microbiology Letters - 1,264
Journal of Cellular Physiology - 1,249
Environmental Microbiology - 1,223
BioEssays - 1,208
Genomics - 1,204
Bioresource Technology - 1,074
Fungal Genetics and Biology - 1,064
FEMS Microbiology Letters - 1,049
Journal of Applied Microbiology - 1,024
Restoration Ecology - 997
Cellular Microbiology - 964
Landscape Ecology - 963
Animal Feed Science and Technology - 880
Plant Molecular Biology - 874
Ecosystems - 863
Plant Science - 859
Biometrics - 839
Journal of Applied Ecology - 808
Planta - 791
Environmental Management - 757
Biotechnology Letters - 695
Climatic Change - 679
Cytometry Part A - 639
Plant Cell & Environment - 623
FEMS Microbiology Ecology - 576
Plant and Soil - 573
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology - 564
Microbial Ecology - 563
Global Environmental Change - 551
Journal of Ecology - 546
Euphytica - 542
Biological Invasions - 534
Journal of Biogeography - 519
Plant Ecology - 483
Virus Research - 483
Biodiversity and Conservation - 470
Molecular genetics and genomics (MGG) - 463
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - 459
Biogeochemistry - 441
Journal of Cereal Science - 436
Archives of Microbiology - 429
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology - 417
Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology - 415
Oikos - 412
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - 365