Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gardening mini-courses

Wisconsin Union Mini-Courses are open to all students, staff, faculty, and the public.

Gardening 101 - Tuesday, April 21th and Tuesday, April 28th
"This class will cover basic gardening information for common vegetables and flowers. We will focus on the differences between annuals and perennials; sun, soil, fertilizer and watering requirements; propagation methods, such as seeds versus plants; planting and maintenance requirements for specific plants; green gardening practices and will customize a garden plan for each student. 2 Meetings. INSTRUCTORS: Marvin and Kathryn Schiedermayer, owners of Garden Spirit Co. tend their two-acre prairie along with their herb, vegetable and potager gardens in New Glarus."

Gardening by the Moon - Tuesday, March 24th
"The moon and all of its magic is closely connected with gardening and herbs. Explore the lunar connection of specific herbs and the best times to plant and harvest the herbs based on the phases of the moon. Explore interesting uses for the herbs. Uncover the lore and legend of both the moon and the herbs. A once in blue moon opportunity to learn more about the moon and the various herbs and plants, gardening techniques, rituals, goddesses and activities that are associated with the moon's cycles. Unravel an outer space mystery and garden with the moon! 1 Meeting. INSTRUCTOR: Kathryn Schiedermayer, an herbal and gardening educator for many years and owner of The Garden Spirit Co."

3/5 emergency E-Resource Gateway outage

Due to severe problems with today's E-Resource Gateway / Find It reindexing job, the UW-Madison A-Z list of online journal article databases, etc. is in a failed state.

Per the vendor's recommendation, we need to restore the index from Tuesday night's backup.

This work will be done at noon today (Thursday, March 5th) and will require a complete outage of the E-Resource Gateway / Find It.

We are not absolutely sure about the timing, but expect the outage to be less than one hour.

For those who have done work within the E-Resource Gateway, anything data updated since Tuesday night will be lost.

We apologize for the inconvenience!

Library computer print system maintenance

Staff will be upgrading the memory on the GoPrint transaction server tonight at midnight in an effort to alleviate some previously reported problems. Sites can expect a brief outage (less than 1/2 hour). We recommend a reboot of the print release station computer around 12:30.

If you ever notice a print station with a blank screen or with all the buttons grayed out, first try refreshing the screen with the mouse/keyboard. If that doesn't work, wait 5 minutes and then reboot that print station's computer.

The vendor has been notified and we hope for a timely resolution to this issue. Please contact the Library Technology Group Helpdesk if you have any questions.

Also of interest: