The Biodiversity Heritage Library is the result of the efforts of these natural history museum and research libraries to digitize over two million volumes of published literature held in their collections:
- American Museum of Natural History (New York, NY)
- Field Museum (Chicago, IL)
- Harvard University Botany Libraries (Cambridge, MA)
- Harvard University, Ernst Mayr Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (Cambridge, MA)
- Marine Biological Laboratory / Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Woods Hole, MA)
- Missouri Botanical Garden (St. Louis, MO)
- Natural History Museum (London, UK)
- New York Botanical Garden (New York, NY)
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Richmond, UK)
- Smithsonian Institution Libraries (Washington, DC)
- University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana, IL)
As of today 30,808 volumes have been scanned, dating from the year 1480 to 2006. Subjects currently with strong representation in include:
- Agriculture
- Biology
- Botany
- Classification
- Entomology
- Insects
- Natural history
- North America
- Periodicals
- Pictorial works
- Plants
- Scientific expeditions, societies, etc.
- United States
- Zoology
A few books of interest to Wisconsin researchers:
- Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society (1909-1911)
- Phytoplankton of the inland lakes of Wisconsin (1920)
- Polyporaceae of Wisconsin (1914)
- Provisional list of the parasitic fungi of Wisconsin (1914)
- Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters (1870+)
- Transactions of the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society (1852+)
- Transactions of the State Horticultural Society (1871+)
See also, UW Digital Collections.