Each year, the UW-Madison Libraries explore potential database purchases by signing up for free trial access. Some of these are only available to library staff, while others are open to all patrons.
Please let me know what you think about the following resources:
- Trial period: through 4/23/09
- Interface: ISI Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge / Web of Science
- Content: an index of conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions in the sciences and social sciences, including: Acta Horticulturae, Communications in Soil Science and Analysis, Crop Science, Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, Functional Plant Biology, Seed Science Research, and Weed Science
Springer E-books (1997+ book series, plus all content from 2005-2009)
- Trial period: through 4/30/09
- Interface: SpringerLink
- Content: 20,000+ books, including: Abiotic stress tolerance in plants, Advances in Molecular Breeding Toward Drought and Salt Tolerant Crops, Agricultural Biotechnology in China, Agricultural Research Management, Agrobacterium: From Biology to Biotechnology, Allelochemicals: Biological Control of Plant Pathogens and Diseases, Allelopathy in Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, An Ecological and Societal Approach to Biological Control, Applications of Plant Metabolic Engineering, Breeding Plantation Tree Crops: Temperate Species, Cell Biology of Plant Nematode Parasitism, Cereal Genomics, The Ecophysiology of Plant-Phosphorus Interactions, Encyclopedia of Entomology, Field Manual of Techniques in Invertebrate Pathology, Flower Breeding and Genetics, General Concepts in Integrated Pest and Disease Management, Genetic Improvement of Bioenergy Crops, Genetics and Genomics of Soybean, Genomics-Assisted Crop Improvement, Handbook of Maize: Its Biology, Haploids in Crop Improvement II, Improvement of Crop Plants for Industrial End Uses, Induced Plant Resistance to Herbivory, Integrated Management and Biocontrol of Vegetable and Grain Crops Nematodes, Integrated Management of Diseases Caused by Fungi, Phytoplasma and Bacteria, Invasive Plants: Ecological and Agricultural Aspects, Liquid Culture Systems for in vitro Plant Propagation, Micronutrient Deficiencies in Global Crop Production, Molecular Marker Systems in Plant Breeding and Crop Improvement, Multiplication of RNA Plant Viruses, Organic Crop Production – Ambitions and Limitations, PGPR: Biocontrol and Biofertilization, Plan Tissue Culture Engineering, Plant Cryopreservation: A Practical Guide, Plant disease epidemiology: facing challenges of the 21st Century, Plant Proteomics, Plant Responses to Air Pollution and Global Change, Plants and Climate Change, Protocols for Micropropagation of Woody Trees and Fruits, Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook