"Plant Variety Protection Boot Camp"
Graduate School Seminar Series
Friday, April 24, 2009
1:30 – 3:30 PM
Biotechnology Center Auditorium
425 Henry Mall, Madison, WI
This seminar will provide useful information for plant researchers regarding the "ins and outs" of the plant variety protection act. Specifically, this seminar will examine the steps involved in filing a plant variety protection act application, including suggestions for collecting the information required for filing a plant variety protection act application and enforcement of plant variety protection certificates, including a discussion of "essentially derived varieties." Presented by Lisa Mueller, Attorney, Dykema Gossett PLLC.
Graduate School Seminar Series sessions are open to all members of the campus community.
Registration is required, through the Office of Human Resource Development website. To register, you must know the titles of both the series and the session.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Plant Variety intellectual property seminar: 4/24
UW impact ranking in agricultural sciences
Thomson Reuters, vendors of ISI Web of Science, have released "Institution Rankings in Agricultural Sciences, 1998-2008" based on citations per paper among institutions with 5,000 or more citations.
The University of Wisconsin is ranked #5 with 1,428 indexed papers garnering 14,326 citations, averaging 10.03 citations per paper.
Institutions ranked highly include:
#1 Tufts University - 18.08 citations per paper
#4 Cornell University - 10.98
#5 University of Wisconsin - 10.03
#6 University of California - Davis - 9.96
#10 Oregon State University - 9.63
#14 Rutgers State University - 9.3
#15 University of Massachusetts - 9.05
#16 Penn State University - 8.87
#17 University of Nebraska - 8.86
#18 Michigan State University - 8.82
#19 University of Illinois - 8.8
Related links:
- Web of Science / Web of Knowledge (h-index)
- Journal Citation Reports (impact factor, eigenfactor)
UW professor to lead Entomology Society of America
Professor David B. Hogg of the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Entomology has been elected the next president of the Entomological Society of America.
Steenbock Library subscribes to the following ESA publications:
- Annals of the Entomological Society of America (online: 1900-1950, 2000+)
- Environmental Entomology (online: 2000+)
- Journal of Economic Entomology (online: 2000+)
- Journal of Medical Entomology (online: 2000+)
- American Entomologist (online: 2001+ (most recent 2 years unavailable))
- Arthropod Management Tests (online: 2005+)
- Handbook of Corn Insects
- Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects
- Handbook of Household and Structural Insect Pests
- Handbook of Small Grain Insects
- Handbook of Soybean Insect Pests
- Handbook of Turfgrass Insect Pests
- Use and management of insecticides, acaricides and transgenic crops
- Revision of the subfamily Macrocentrinae (Hymenoptera:Braconidae) in America north of Mexico
- New World treehopper tribe Microcentrini (Hemiptera, Membracidae, Stegaspidinae): monographic revision and phylogenetic position
- For nonnative crops: whence pollinators of the future?
- Bees and crop pollination: crisis, crossroads, conservation
- Balancing nature: assessing the impact of importing non-native biological control agents, an international perspective
Native Plant Sale: 5/9
The Friends of the UW Arboretum sponsor an annual Native Plant Sale, which will take place on May 9th from 9:00am-2:00pm, next to the Arboretum Visitor Center, Madison, Wisconsin.
More than a hundred species of native plants will be available. Information about soil and light conditions, bloom dates, plant height and color are provided for selection decisions.
Possible shrubs, vines & trees include:
- Blueberry
- Cranberry
- Dogwood
- Elderberry
- Hazelnut
- Hickory
- Ninebark
- Plum
- Viburnum
- Cinnamon fern
- Interrupted fern
- Lady fern
- Maidenhair fern
- Royal fern
- Sensitive fern
- Wood fern
- Anemone
- Baneberry
- Blue cohosh
- Dutchman's breeches
- Ginger, Wild
- Grass, Bottlebrsh
- Greendragon
- Jack-in-the-pulpit
- Jacob's Ladder
- Leek, Wild
- Mayapple
- Mitrewort
- Phlox, Wild Blue
- Sedge, Pennsylvania
- Solomon's Seal
- Trillium
- Trout lily
- Violet, Yellow Forest
- Alumroot
- Baptisia
- Bergamot
- Blue-eyes grass
- Boneset
- Butterfly weed
- Cardinal flower
- Compass plant
- Coneflower
- Culver's Root
- Cup plant
- False dragonhead
- Gentians
- Grass, Side-oats Grama
- Harebell
- Hyssop, Lavender
- Iris, Wild
- Ironweed
- Joe-pye weed
- Leadplant
- Liatris
- Lupine
- Petunia, Wild
- Prairie Smoke
- Prickly Pear Cactus
- Rattlesnake Master
- Shooting Star
- Spiderwort
- St. John's Wort
- Strawberry, Wild
- Thimbleweed
Top 100 Plant Science Questions
"How can plant scientists change the world?"
Initiated by researchers in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol, "100 Plant Science Questions" invites submissions of pressing plant-related research issues facing the world today. Deadline: March 31st, 2009.
A panel drawn from academia, the public services sector and the corporate world will screen submissions.
From the website:
"Plant science is helping to address many of the big issues facing society today, such as food security, biofuels, and the effects of climate change, but what are the key questions that you think the next generation of plant scientists should be addressing?
Anyone is welcome to contribute their question, including members of the general public; agriculture, horticulture and forestry industries; ecologists; charities; policy makers; food, fibre, fuel and pharmaceutical industries; funding bodies; and researchers."