The latest USDA Census of Agriculture was just released.
Wisconsin statistics:
- # of farms in 2007: 78,463 (#9 in U.S.A.)
- # of farms in 2002: 77,131
- # of acres in farms 2007: 15,190,804
- # of acres in farms 2002: 15,741,552
- Average # of acres per farm 2007: 194
- Average # of acres per farm 2002: 204
- Commodities raised and delivered under production contracts (vegetables, melons and potatoes) - 527 farms (#2 in USA)
Organic agriculture:
- 1,443 farms (#2 in USA)
- 147,120 acres (#4 in USA)
- $80,630,000 product sold (#4 in USA)
North American Industry Classification System:
- Oilseed and grain farming: 13,508 farms
- Vegetable and melon farming: 1,645 farms
- Fruit and tree nut farming: 1,320 farms
- Greenhouse, nursery, and floriculture operation: 2,147 farms
- Other crop farming: 22,081 farms (#5 in USA)
- Beef cattle ranching and farming: 11,593 farms
- Cattle feedlots: 2,485
- Dairy cattle and milk production: 13,081 farms (#1 in USA)
- Hog and pig farming: 989 farms
- Poultry and egg production: 2,297 farms
- Sheep and goat farming: 1,501 farms
- Animal aquaculture or other animal production: 5,816 farms - including 828 farms with colonies of bees
- Asparagus - 244 acres (#6 in USA)
- Green lima beans - 3,435 acres (#3 in USA)
- Snap beans - 70,885 acres (#1 in USA)
- Beets - 2,784 acres (#1 in USA)
- Head cabbage - 5,990 acres (#6 in USA)
- Carrots - 3,988 acres (#4 in USA)
- Cucumbers and pickles - 6,084 acres (#8 in USA)
- Ginseng - 554 acres (#1 in USA)
- Peas, Chinese (sugar and snow) - 69 acres (#5 in USA)
- Green peas (excluding Southern) - 37,405 acres (#3 in USA)
- Potatoes - 63,933 acres (#4 in USA)
- Pumpkins - 3,600 acres (#8 in USA)
- Winter squash 823 acres (#8 in USA)
- Sweet corn - 91,218 acres (#3 in USA)
- Corn for grain - 437,174,706 bushels
- Corn for silage or greenchop - 11,645,140 tons (#2 in USA)
- Mint for oil, All (pounds) - 325,782 (#5 in USA)
- Oats for grain - 11,122,339 bushels
- Soybeans for beans - 54,701,222 bushels
- Sunflower seed - 4,449,621 pounds
- Apples - 6,406 acres (#7 in USA)
- Cherries - 2,567 acres (#3 in USA)
- Cranberries - 18,696 acres (#1 in USA)
- Currants - 11 acres (#4 in USA)
- Raspberries - 286 acres (#9 in USA)
- Aquatic plants - 1,342,175 dollars in sales (#7 in USA)
- Flower seeds - 1,718,916 dollars in sales (#4 in USA)
- Greenhouse fruits and berries - 28,927 dollars in sales (#4 in USA)
- Mushrooms - 2,057,661 dollars in sales (#4 in USA)
- Maple syrup - 108,108 gallons produced (#4 in USA)
- Forage - land used for all hay and all haylage, grass silage, and greenchop (tons, dry equivalent) - 8,528,063 (#3 in USA)
- Alfalfa hay (tons, dry) - 3,673,619 (#6 in USA)
- All haylage, grass silage, and greenchop - 8,446,369 green tons (#1 in USA)
- Hay, haylage, grass silage, and greenchop - 8,528,063 dry tons (#4 in USA)
- Haylage or greenchop from alfalfa or alfalfa mixtures (tons, green) - 7,931,573 (#1 in USA)
- Honey - 4,167,522 pounds collected
- Manure - 2,011,176 acres treated
- Commercial fertilizer, lime, and soil conditioners - 6,988,477 acres treated
- Chemicals to control weeds, grass, or brush - 5,227,166 acres treated
- Chemicals to control insects - 2,125,800 acres treated
- Chemicals to control diseases in crops and orchards - 251,421 acres treated
- Chemicals to control nematodes - 128,798 acres treated
- Chemicals to control growth, thin fruit, ripen, or defoliate - 67,308 acres treated