"Phytoparasitica is an international journal that publishes original research contributions on the biological, chemical and molecular aspects of entomology, plant pathology, virology, nematology and weed sciences, including insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and other biocides."
- Steenbock Library has Phytoparasitica in print from 1973-2001 (v.1-29)
- As of 1/12/09, the former publishers offer free online access from 1996-2006 (v.24-34)
"STM publisher Springer, Germany, has announced that it will publish the journal Phytoparasitica, starting with Volume 37, Issue 1, beginning in February 2009. Backfiles of the journal to June 1973 will be available on Springer’s online information platform SpringerLink. Professor Jaacov Katan from the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, and Professor Benjamin Raccah from the Agricultural Research Organization at The Volcani Center in Bet Dagan, Israel, will serve as the Editors-in-chief." [Knowledgespeak.com]