Friday, July 31, 2009
Ulrich's Periodicals Directory maintenance: 7/31
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Informaworld maintenance: 8/1
- Saturday, August 1st 5:00am- 7:00am
- Bioremediation journal
- Chronobiology international
- Communications in soil science and plant analysis
- Critical reviews in biochemistry & molecular biology
- Critical reviews in biotechnology
- Critical reviews in microbiology
- Critical reviews in plant sciences
- Encyclopedia of Animal Science
- European journal of agricultural education and extension
- European journal of phycology
- Food & foodways
- Geomicrobiology journal
- Historical biology
- International journal of phytoremediation
- International journal of remote sensing
- International Journal of Science Education
- The Journal of agricultural education and extension
- Journal of Agricultural & Food Information
- Journal of Agromedicine
- Journal of Applied Statistics
- Journal of Further and Higher Education
- Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants
- Journal of New Seeds
- Journal of sustainable agriculture
- Journal of Sustainable Forestry
- Landscape Research
- Research into higher education abstracts
- Scandinavian journal of forest research
- Science as Culture
- Science & Technology Libraries
- Society & natural resources
- Soil & sediment contamination
- Studies in science education
Monday, July 20, 2009
Journal use at the UW-Madison
Online journal usage statistics for selected titles related to the plant and insect sciences at the UW-Madison:
Title - # Articles Accessed 2008
Cell - 26,926
Journal of Molecular Biology - 13,134
Current Biology - 9,482
Molecular Cell - 8,752
FEBS Letters - 7,193
Molecular Microbiology - 4,770
Virology - 4,344
Gene - 4,200
Forest Ecology and Management - 3,939
Current Opinion in Cell Biology - 3,629
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - 3,306
Chemistry & Biology - 3,247
Trends in Ecology and Evolution - 3,199
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology - 3,071
Trends in Cell Biology - 3,069
Atmospheric Environment - 2,971
Current Opinion in Structural Biology - 2,967
Biological Conservation - 2,849
Current Opinion in Plant Biology - 2,810
Current Opinion in Biotechnology - 2,791
Trends in Genetics - 2,625
Trends in Plant Science - 2,561
Soil Biology and Biochemistry - 2,451
Current Opinion in Microbiology - 2,435
Remote Sensing of Environment - 2,387
Ecological Modelling - 2,367
Journal of Power Sources - 2,290
Journal of Biotechnology - 2,260
Trends in Microbiology - 2,253
FEBS Journal - 2,139
Conservation Biology - 2,137
Chemosphere - 1,948
Biotechnology and Bioengineering - 1,888
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment - 1,799
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - 1,643
Cellular and molecular life sciences (CMLS) - 1,523
New Phytologist - 1,488
Proteomics - 1,480
Global Change Biology - 1,454
Oecologia - 1,452
Ecology Letters - 1,336
Science of the Total Environment - 1,334
Molecular Ecology - 1,317
FEMS Microbiology Letters - 1,264
Journal of Cellular Physiology - 1,249
Environmental Microbiology - 1,223
BioEssays - 1,208
Genomics - 1,204
Bioresource Technology - 1,074
Fungal Genetics and Biology - 1,064
FEMS Microbiology Letters - 1,049
Journal of Applied Microbiology - 1,024
Restoration Ecology - 997
Cellular Microbiology - 964
Landscape Ecology - 963
Animal Feed Science and Technology - 880
Plant Molecular Biology - 874
Ecosystems - 863
Plant Science - 859
Biometrics - 839
Journal of Applied Ecology - 808
Planta - 791
Environmental Management - 757
Biotechnology Letters - 695
Climatic Change - 679
Cytometry Part A - 639
Plant Cell & Environment - 623
FEMS Microbiology Ecology - 576
Plant and Soil - 573
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology - 564
Microbial Ecology - 563
Global Environmental Change - 551
Journal of Ecology - 546
Euphytica - 542
Biological Invasions - 534
Journal of Biogeography - 519
Plant Ecology - 483
Virus Research - 483
Biodiversity and Conservation - 470
Molecular genetics and genomics (MGG) - 463
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture - 459
Biogeochemistry - 441
Journal of Cereal Science - 436
Archives of Microbiology - 429
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology - 417
Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology - 415
Oikos - 412
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - 365
Friday, July 17, 2009
Biopesticide success with locust infestation
- Biological control: a global perspective - case studies from around the world
- Control of pests and weeds by natural enemies: an introduction to biological control
- Convention on biological diversity and product commercialisation in development assistance projects: a case study of LUBILOSA
- Exploitation of microorganisms
- "Fungal parasites of insects and nematodes" in Fungal biology
- Impact of science on African agriculture and food security
- Use of microbes for control and eradication of invasive arthropods
- Consultancy on entomopathology: strain selection on the fungal pathogen, Metarhizium anisopliae, for biocontrol of groundnut chafers: Myanmar, 1 August-5 September 1991
- Current status of Metarhizium anisopliae var. majus to control Oryctes rhinoceros in the Philippines, November 1991
- BioControl (was, Entomophaga)
- BioControl Science and Technology
- Biological Control
- Environmental Entomology
- Focus on Biopesticides PLUS
- Journal of Biopesticides
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Blight affecting tomatoes and potatoes
UPDATE August 5, 2009: The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection confirms that late blight on tomato has appeared in Dane and Rock counties, the first cases of the disease in the state in six years. Full article: LATE BLIGHT ALERT
Gardeners are being warned to destroy any Solanaceae plants (tomato, potato, eggplant) suspected of suffering from "late blight" disease, especially those purchased from big box stores.
The disease, associated with the Irish Potato Famine of the 1840's, is caused by the Phytophthora infestans fungus. While not harmful to humans, it is extremely contagious and deadly to plants.
- Phytophthora infestans: The cause of late blight of potato
- Resistance to phytophthora infestans in the potato
- Diseases, pests and disorders of potatoes: a color handbook
- Potato health management
- Phytophthora: identifying species by morphology and DNA fingerprints
- Illustrated glossary of Phytophthora / Glossário ilustrado de Phytophthora: técnicas especiais para o estudo de oomicetos
- Phytophthora: Symposium of the British Mycological Society, the British Society for Plant Pathology, and the Society of Irish Plant Pathologists held at Trinity College, Dublin, September 1989
- Proceedings of the IInd International Symposium on Tomato Diseases: Kusadasi -Turkey, October 8-12, 2007
- Proceedings of the IIIrd International Late Blight Conference: Beijing, China, April 3-6, 2008
UW-Madison dissertations & theses:
- Biological properties of Phytophthora infestans isolates from Wisconsin
- Characterization of RB and identification of additional genes involved in RB-mediated potato late blight resistance
- Genetic analysis of R9 conditioning late-blight resistance in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
- Late blight resistance linkages in a novel cross of the wild potato species Solanum paucissectum (series Piurana)
- Characterization of late blight resistance and unilateral incompatibility in diploid (1EBN) solanum species
- Characterization of late blight resistance and unilateral incompatibility in diploid (1EBN) solanum species
UW-Madison patent:
UW Extension Report:
More information:- Plant Pathology Research Guide
- Tomato Fruit Disorders (UW Extension)
- Tomato Diseases Powerpoint (UW Extension)
- Potato Diseases Powerpoint (UW Extension)
- Plant disease hits eastern US veggies early, hard (Associated Press)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Ant symbiosis and Biofuels
UW-Madison Communications recently covered a project of the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center to sequence the genome of ants that break down and digest cellulose, along with their associated fungi and bacteria ("Sequencing effort to chart ants and their ecosystem").
Recent publications by this project's researchers include:
Adams, A.S., Currie, C.R., Cardozea, Y.J., Klepzig, K.D., & Raffa, K. 2009. Effects of symbiotic bacteria and tree chemistry on the growth and reproduction of bark beetle fungal symbionts. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39(6): 1133–1147.
Caldera, E.J., Poulsen, M., Suen, G., & Currie, C.R. 2009. Insect symbioses: a case study of past, present, and future fungus-growing ant research. Environmental Entomology 38: 78-92.
Ivens, A.B.F.; Nash, D.R.; Poulsen, M.; Boomsma, J.J. 2009. Caste-specific symbiont policing by workers of Acromyrmex fungus-growing ants. Behavioral Ecology 20:2, 378-384.
Little, A.E.F & Currie, C.R. 2008. Black yeast symbionts compromise the efficiency of antibiotic defenses in fungus-growing ants. Ecology 89: 1216-1222.
Oh, D.C, Scott, J.J., Currie, C.R., & Clardy, J. 2009. Mycangimycin: a polyene peroxide from a symbiotic Streptomyces sp. Organic Letters 11: 633-636.
Oh, D.C., Poulsen, M., Currie, C.R., & Clardy, J. 2009. Dentigerumycin: the bacterially produced molecular mediator of a fungus-growing ant symbiosis. Nature Chemical Biology 5: 391-393.
Oh, D.C., Scott, J.J., Poulsen, M.Z., Currie, C.R., & Clardy, J. 2008. Discovery of new secondary metabolites mediating insect-microorganism symbioses. Planta Medica 74(9): 906.
Poulsen, M., Fernandez-Marin, H., Wcislo, W.T., Currie, C.R., & Boomsma, J.J. (in press). Ephemeral windows of opportunity maintain horizontal transmission of fungal symbionts in leaf-cutting ants. Evolution.
Poulsen, M. & Currie, C.R. 2009. On ants, plants and fungi. New Phytologist 182(4): 785-788.
Scott, J.J., Oh, D.C., Yuceer, M.C., Klepzig, K.D., Clardy, J., et al. 2008. Bacterial protection of beetle-fungus mutualism. Science 322: 63.
Library Express system maintenance 7/3-7/4
** Library Express will be unavailable from 10 pm on Friday night (July 3) until 3 am Saturday morning (July 4) for system maintenance. **
What is Library Express?
Library Express is the UW-Madison's "document delivery" and "interlibrary loan" (ILL) service.
UW-Madison students, staff and faculty may also use Library Express to request books sent by mail, if they're living outside of Dane County. For more information, see Distance Services.
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- Articles scanned from print journals located on campus
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- Books available at other UW System campuses (ex: UW-Milwaukee) - instead, use "UW System Search" in MadCat and "Place Requests" to have these sent to your preferred pick-up library
- Articles longer than 50 pages from journals that are available in print on campus. However, if the article is not available on-campus, then there is no page limit.
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- These items are very difficult to borrow from off-campus:
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