Thomson Reuters has just published the 2009 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), available by online subscription to UW-Madison library users. These metrics, including the "impact factor," can be used to compare journal performance. JCR compares 9,100+ peer-reviewed journals from 2,200 publishers in 78 countries.
New features:
- 1,055+ journals with their first published impact factor
- Updated 5-year impact factors and Eigenfactor metrics
- "Rank in category" for each journal's subject area, along with a box plot of impact factor distribution for all journals in that category
- Journal "self-citations" and analysis of their effect on impact factor
- Advances in Agronomy
- Theoretical and Applied Genetics
- Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
- Plant and Soil
- European Journal of Agronomy
- Plant Pathology
- Field Crops Research
- Postharvest Biology and Technology
- Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science
- Molecular Breeding
- Annual Review of Entomology
- Advances in Insect Physiology
- Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Insect Conservation and Diversity
- Insect Molecular Biology
- Systematic Entomology
- Journal of Insect Physiology
- Pest Management Science
- Medical and Veterinary Entomology
- Journal of Medical Entomology
- Theoretical and Applied Genetics
- Postharvest Biology and Technology
- Molecular Breeding
- Tree Genetics and Genomes
- European Journal of Plant Pathology (print only 1994-96, 2004-05)
- Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
- Euphytica
- Scientia Horticulturae
- American Journal of Enology and Viticulture (print only)
- Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
- Annual Review of Plant Biology
- Annual Review of Phytopathology
- Current Opinion in Plant Biology
- Trends in Plant Science
- Plant Cell
- Plant Journal
- Plant Physiology
- New Phytologist
- Plant, Cell & Environment
- Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences
- Soil Biology and Biochemistry
- Soil & Tillage Research
- Journal of Soils and Sediments (no subscription)
- Plant and Soil
- Geoderma
- Pedobiologia
- Soil Science Society of America Journal
- European Journal of Soil Science
- Applied Soil Ecology
- Soil Use and Management
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
- Agricultural Systems
- Annals of Applied Biology
- Journal of Agricultural Science
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
- Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
- Australian Journal of Agricultural Research (ends 2008)
- Agriculture and Human Values
- Precision Agriculture