Recent publications by researchers affiliated with the departments of Agronomy, Entomology, Horticulture, and Plant Pathology at the University of Wisconsin - Madison:
- Allen, H.K.; Cloud-Hansen, K.A.; Wolinski, J.M.; Guan, C.H.; Greene, S.; Lu, S.; Boeyink, M.; Broderick, N.A.; Raffa, K.F.; Handelsman, J. (2009). Resident microbiota of the gypsy moth midgut harbors antibiotic resistance determinants. DNA and Cell Biology 28(3): 109-117.
- Broderick, N.A.; Robinson, C.J.; McMahon, M.D.; Holt, J.; Handelsman, J.; Raffa, K.F. (2009). Contributions of gut bacteria to Bacillus thuringiensis-induced mortality vary across a range of Lepidoptera. BMC Biology 7(11).
- Cardoza, Y.J.; Vasanthakumar, A.; Suazo, A.; Raffa, K.F. (2009). Survey and phylogenetic analysis of culturable microbes in the oral secretions of three bark beetle species. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 131(2): 138-147.
- Cavagnaro, P.F.; Chung S.M.; Szklarczyk, M.; Grzebelus, D.; Senalik, D.; Atkins, A.E.; Simon, P.W. (2009). Characterization of a deep-coverage carrot (Daucus carota L.) BAC library and initial analysis of BAC-end sequences. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 281(3): 273-288.
- Contreras-Govea, F.E.; Muck, R.E.; Armstrong, K.L.; Albrecht, K.A. (2009). Fermentability of corn-lablab bean mixtures from different planting densities. Animal Feed Science and Technology 149(3/4): 298-306.
- Copas, M.E.; Bussan, A.J.; Drilias, M.J.; Wolkowski, R.P. (2009). Potato yield and quality response to subsoil tillage and compaction. Agronomy Journal 101(1): 82-90.
- Dauer, J.T.; Mortensen, D.A.; Luschei, E.C.; Isard, S.A.; Shields, E.; Van-Gessel, M.J. (2009). Conyza canadensis seed ascent in the lower atmosphere. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149(3-4): 526-534.
- Duke, S.H.; Henson, C.A. (2009). A comparison of barley malt amylolytic enzyme activities as indicators of malt sugar concentrations. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 67(2): 99-111.
- Hatfield, R.D.; Marita, J.M.; Frost, K.; Grabber, J.; Ralph, J.; Lu, F.C.; Kim, H. (2009). Grass lignin acylation: p-coumaroyl transferase activity and cell wall characteristics of C3 and C4 grasses. Planta 229(6): 1253-1267.
- Konieczka, C.M.; Colquhoun, J.B.; Rittmeyer, R.A. (2009). Swamp dodder (Cuscuta gronovii) applied ecology in carrot production. Weed Technology 23(1): 175-178.
- Kramer, L.C.; Choudoir, M.J.; Wielgus, S.M.; Bhaskar, P.B.; Jiang, J.M. Correlation between transcript abundance of the RB gene and the level of the RB-mediated late blight resistance in potato. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (22)4: 447-455.
- Lorenz, A.J.; Coors, J.G.; de Leon, N.; Wolfrum, E.J.; Hames, B.R.; Sluiter, A.D.; Weimer, P.J. (2009). Characterization, genetic variation, and combining ability of maize traits relevant to the production of cellulosic ethanol. Crop Science 49(1): 85-98.
- Madritch, M.D.; Greene, S.L.; Lindroth, R.L. (2009). Genetic mosaics of ecosystem functioning across aspen-dominated landscapes. Oecologia 160(1): 119-127.
- Markham, M.Y.; Stoltenberg, D.E. (2009). Red:far-red light effects on corn growth and productivity in field environments. Weed Science 57(2): 208-215.
- Pethybridge, S.J.; Gent, D.H.; Esker, P.D.; Turechek, W.W.; Hay, F.S.; Nutter, F.W. (2009). Site-specific risk factors for ray blight in Tasmanian pyrethrum fields. Plant Disease 93(3): 229-237.
- Posner, J.L.; Frank, G.G.; Nordlund, K.V.; Schuler, R.T. (2009). A constant goal, changing tactics: the Krusenbaum dairy farm (1996-2005). Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 24(1): 8-18.
- Rhemtulla, J.M.; Mladenoff, D.J.; Clayton, M.K. (2009). Historical forest baselines reveal potential for continued carbon sequestration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106(15): 6082-6087.
- Rotenberg, D.; Krishna Kumar, N.K.; Ullman, D.E.; Montero-Astua, M.; Willis, D.K.; German, T.L.; Whitfield, A.E. (2009). Variation in tomato spotted wilt virus titer in Frankliniella occidentalis and its association with frequency of transmission. Phytopathology 99(4): 404-410.
- Shinners, K.J., Huenink, B.M., Muck, R.E., Albrecht, K.A. (2009). Storage characteristics of large round and square alfalfa bales: Low-moisture wrapped bales. Transactions of the ASABE 52(2): 401-407.
- Sonnentag, P.J; Jeanne, R.L. (2009). Initiation of absconding-swarm emigration in the social wasp Polybia occidentalis. Journal of Insect Science. 9: 11.
- Willis, D. K.; Kinscherf, T. G. (2009). Population dynamics of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato strains on tomato cultivars Rio Grande and Rio Grande-Pto under field conditions. Journal of Phytopathology 157(4): 219-227.
- Zedler, P.H.; Anchor, T.; Knuteson, D.; Gratton, C.; Barzen, J. (2009). Using an ecolabel to promote on-farm conservation: the Wisconsin Healthy Grown experience. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 7(1): 61-74.