Madison area residents are invited to participate in the "Go Big Read" common book project this upcoming Fall.
The first book picked is "In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto" by Michael Pollan, who is scheduled to visit campus September 24-26.
Books by Michael Pollan:
- In defense of food: an eater's manifesto (also known as In defence of food: The myth of nutrition and the pleasures of eating)
- The omnivore's dilemma: a natural history of four meals
- The botany of desire: a plant's eye view of the world
- Second nature: a gardener's education
- A place of my own: the education of an amateur builder
- America's food: What you don't know about what you eat
- Animal, vegetable, miracle: A year of food life
- Art of simple food: Notes, lessons, and recipes from a delicious revolution
- Fast food nation: the dark side of the all-American meal
- Food chains: From farmyard to shopping cart
- Food matters: A guide to conscious eating with more than 75 Recipes
- Food policy: Integrating health, environment and society
- Food politics: How the food industry influences nutrition and health
- Hope's edge: The next Diet for a Small Planet
- Real food: What to eat and why
- Righteous porkchop: Finding a life and good food beyond factory farms
- Six arguments for a greener diet: how a more plant-based diet could save your health and the environment
- Slow food nation: Why our food should be good, clean, and fair
- Slow food: the case for taste
- What to eat
- Where our food comes from: retracing Nikolay Vavilov's quest to end famine
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