Tuesday, November 8, 2011

CAS SciFinder for Biological Research

SciFinder for Biological Research

Wed., Nov. 9, 1-2pm Central Time
Tues., Nov. 15, 5-6am Central Time
Tues., Nov. 15, 11am-12noon Central Time 
Tues., Nov. 15, 5-6pm Central Time

Register: http://casevents.webex.com 

SciFinder Web (Chemical Abstracts) supports interdisciplinary research by covering topics such as drug-target interactions, biomarkers and enzymes, as well as many other topics of interest for the biomedical scientist. 

Learn how to:
- Locate literature on your research topics.
- Find target molecules.
- Stay current with "Keep Me Posted" alerts

After you register, you'll receive an e-mail confirmation containing the teleconference phone numbers.

If you can't attend the e-Seminar broadcasts, the presentation will be available for on-demand viewing from the same URL after Nov. 15.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

OECD iLibrary = international development e-books + more

Find international development e-books, research papers, and statistical publications by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in UW-Madison's subscription to OECD iLibrary.

Selected recent titles of interest:
  • Apples: International Standards
  • Apricots: International Standards
  • Asparagus: International Standards
  • Bioheat, Biopower and Biogas: Developments and Implications for Agriculture
  • Challenges for Agricultural Research
  • Citrus Fruits: International Standards
  • Climate Change and Agriculture: Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation
  • Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in the United States
  • Innovative Soil-Plant Systems for Sustainable Agricultural Practices
  • OECD Agriculture Statistics
  • Peaches and Nectarines: International Standards  
  • Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms
  • Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Agriculture
  • Test No. 227: Terrestrial Plant Test: Vegetative Vigour Test - OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 2: Effects on Biotic Systems

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Preserving biodiversity: Seed saving and Seed banks

Who preserves and controls crop biodiversity?  
How and why do they do it? 

* Agriculture, biodiversity and markets : livelihoods and agroecology in comparative perspective

* Agrobiodiversity hotspots : access and benefit sharing

* Banishing the biopirates : a new approach to protecting traditional knowledge

* Biopiracy of biodiversity : global exchange as enclosure

* Confronting biopiracy : Challenges, cases and international debates 

* Conserving plant genetic diversity in protected areas : population management of crop wild relatives

* Economics of managing crop diversity on-farm : Case studies from the Genetic Resources Policy Initiative

* Future control of food : a guide to international negotiations and rules on intellectual property, biodiversity and food security

* Garden seed inventory : an inventory of seed catalogs listing all non-hybrid vegetable seeds available in the United States and Canada

* Gardening with heirloom seeds : tried-and-true flowers, fruits, and vegetables for a new generation

* Genetic resources, traditional knowledge and the law : solutions for access and benefit sharing

* Governing agrobiodiversity : plant genetics and developing countries

* Heirloom tomato : from garden to table : recipes, portraits, and history of the world’s most beautiful fruit

* Heirloom vegetable gardening : a master gardener’s guide to planting, growing, seed saving, and cultural history

* Orchard invisible : a natural history of seeds

* Patenting lives : life patents, culture and development

* Plant conservation genetics

* Saving seeds : the economics of conserving crop genetic resources ex situ in the future harvest centres of the CGIAR

* Seed conservation : turning science into practice

* Seed diversity in the drylands : women and farming in South India

* Seed hunter [film]

* Seed to seed : seed saving and growing techniques for vegetable gardeners

* Seed trade in rural markets : implications for crop diversity and agricultural development

* Seeds, sex and civilization : how the hidden life of plants has shaped our world

* Sowing autonomy : gender and seed politics in semi-arid India

* Viking in the wheat field : a scientist’s struggle to preserve the world’s harvest

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bio-contamination & Bio-remediation

Toxic contamination of soil, water, air, plants, animals and humans is on my mind lately, as a result of Japan's earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear power plant crisis.

One path to detoxification is "bioremediation" - the application of biological processes to sequester or break down contaminants, either on- or off-site.

  • Biochemical mechanisms of detoxification in higher plants: basis of phytoremediation
  • Biodegradation and bioremediation
  • Bioremediation: a critical review
  • Bioremediation: applied microbial solutions for real-world environmental cleanup
  • Bioremediation of contaminated soils
  • Biotransformations: bioremediation technology for health and environmental protection 
  • Ecology of industrial pollution
  • Environmental biotreatment: technologies for air, water, soil, and waste
  • Fungi in bioremediation
  • Mycoremediation: fungal bioremediation
  • Natural and enhanced remediation systems
  • Natural processes and systems for hazardous waste treatment
  • Phytoremediation: transformation and control of contaminants
  • Produce contamination problem: causes and solutions
  • Remediation of contaminated environments
  • War and nature: the environmental consequences of war in a globalized world
Conference Proceedings:
  • Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management 2009
  • Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management 2007
  • Mutational analysis of root characters in food plants: proceedings of a final research coordination meeting, organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture and held in Antalya, Turkey 11-15 October 2004
  • Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XXVI: symposium held December 2-5, 2002, Boston
  • Agricultural aspects of nuclear and/or radiological emergency situations; OECD/NEA Workshop, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 12-14 June 1995
  • Relative effectiveness of agricultural countermeasure techniques, REACT : proceedings of a workshop organised by the Commission of the European Communities DG XII-D-3 Radiation Protection Research, DG XI-A-I Radiation Protection, Brussels, 1-4 October 1991
  • Arrangements for preparedness for a nuclear or radiological emergency: safety guide
  • Bioremediation of munitions contaminated soil: annual report
  • Citizen’s guide to bioremediation
  • Classification of soil systems on the basis of transfer factors of radionuclides from soil to reference plants
  • Comparison of the models and assumptions used in the DandD 1.0, RESRAD 5.61, and RESRAD-Build 1.50 computer codes with respect to the residential farmer and industrial occupant scenarios provided in NUREG/CR-5512
  • Environmental consequences of the Chernobyl accident and their remediation: twenty years of experience
  • Management of waste from the use of radioactive material in medicine, industry, agriculture, research and education: safety guide
  • Nuclear waste: DOE’s environmental management initiatives report is incomplete
  • Preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency : safety requirements
  • Probabilistic accident consequence uncertainty analysis: food chain uncertainty assessment 
  • Soil-to-plant concentration ratios for assessing food-chain pathways in biosphere models
  • Technical basis for assessing uranium bioremediation performance
  • Use of bioremediation at Superfund sites
  • Use of plants for the removal of toxic metals from contaminated soils

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bee populations collapsing worldwide

"Four previously abundant species of bumblebee are close to disappearing in the United States" 
~ Reuters news story about the research article "Patterns of widespread decline in North American bumble bees"

Colony Collapse Disorder + Bee pathology
Bees + Beekeeping
Also of interest...