Toxic contamination of soil, water, air, plants, animals and humans is on my mind lately, as a result of Japan's earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear power plant crisis.
One path to detoxification is "bioremediation" - the application of biological processes to sequester or break down contaminants, either on- or off-site.
- Biochemical mechanisms of detoxification in higher plants: basis of phytoremediation
- Biodegradation and bioremediation
- Bioremediation: a critical review
- Bioremediation: applied microbial solutions for real-world environmental cleanup
- Bioremediation of contaminated soils
- Biotransformations: bioremediation technology for health and environmental protection
- Ecology of industrial pollution
- Environmental biotreatment: technologies for air, water, soil, and waste
- Fungi in bioremediation
- Mycoremediation: fungal bioremediation
- Natural and enhanced remediation systems
- Natural processes and systems for hazardous waste treatment
- Phytoremediation: transformation and control of contaminants
- Produce contamination problem: causes and solutions
- Remediation of contaminated environments
- War and nature: the environmental consequences of war in a globalized world
- Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management 2009
- Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management 2007
- Mutational analysis of root characters in food plants: proceedings of a final research coordination meeting, organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture and held in Antalya, Turkey 11-15 October 2004
- Scientific basis for nuclear waste management XXVI: symposium held December 2-5, 2002, Boston
- Agricultural aspects of nuclear and/or radiological emergency situations; OECD/NEA Workshop, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 12-14 June 1995
- Relative effectiveness of agricultural countermeasure techniques, REACT : proceedings of a workshop organised by the Commission of the European Communities DG XII-D-3 Radiation Protection Research, DG XI-A-I Radiation Protection, Brussels, 1-4 October 1991
- Arrangements for preparedness for a nuclear or radiological emergency: safety guide
- Bioremediation of munitions contaminated soil: annual report
- Citizen’s guide to bioremediation
- Classification of soil systems on the basis of transfer factors of radionuclides from soil to reference plants
- Comparison of the models and assumptions used in the DandD 1.0, RESRAD 5.61, and RESRAD-Build 1.50 computer codes with respect to the residential farmer and industrial occupant scenarios provided in NUREG/CR-5512
- Environmental consequences of the Chernobyl accident and their remediation: twenty years of experience
- Management of waste from the use of radioactive material in medicine, industry, agriculture, research and education: safety guide
- Nuclear waste: DOE’s environmental management initiatives report is incomplete
- Preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency : safety requirements
- Probabilistic accident consequence uncertainty analysis: food chain uncertainty assessment
- Soil-to-plant concentration ratios for assessing food-chain pathways in biosphere models
- Technical basis for assessing uranium bioremediation performance
- Use of bioremediation at Superfund sites
- Use of plants for the removal of toxic metals from contaminated soils
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